Honor A Veteran parade set for Memorial Day
This year’s Memorial Day parade will give special emphasis to the 15 Rowan County residents who were killed in action in World War I. The parade will be Monday, May 29, in downtown Morehead at 11 a.m. Line up begins at 9 a.m. at Wholesale Auto Parts on West Main Street. There will be a memorial ceremony at Freedom Park that morning at 8:30 a.m. with a prayer and pledge. PHI Aeromedical Services will perform a flyover at 11 a.m. Relatives of the 15 KIA are asked to call Bill Bolen at 776-3147 to arrange transportation in the parade to represent each veteran.
They are: • Andrew Alfrey, Morehead • Elisha Conn, Smile • Earl Cornette, Clearfield • William Cundiff, Morehead • Thomas Duncan, Morehead • Corbie Ellington, Yale • George A. Jones, Elliottville • Thomas Jones, Hilda • William M. Jordan, Morehead • Roy McCleese, Farmers • Troy Mullins, Haldeman • Clarence Ratliff, Farmers • Charles Emmett Reynolds, Farmers • Thomas Rigsby, Craney • Robert Lee Royse, Morehead
This years parade theme is Honor A Veteran. Grand marshals will be Dr. Charles Derrickson and Pete Hamm. The parade will feature veterans of World War II, high school bands and patriotic songs with Greg Wing and students. Wing also will play Taps at Freedom Park.
Pete Hamm, left, and Charles Derrickson, center, are grand marshals for the 2017 Memorial Day parade. Also pictured is Luther Adams.
Other entries include Dave Cox’s veterans mobile featuring the signatures of local veterans, boy scouts, Shriners, fire departments, baseball teams, small tractors, politicians and local businesses. There will be a prize for the Top 3 floats: $250 first place; $150 second place; and $100 third place. To participate contact Luther Adams, 356-1544; Danny Knipp, 356-4177; Bill Bolen, 776-3147; or Lois Hawkins, 784-5151.
Celebrate all military this May
Memorial Day is celebrated each May to commemorate the people who died in service of the United States of America. Even though barbecues and visions of the upcoming summer weather may command much of the attention come Memorial Day weekend, the holiday really serves as a remembrance for those military members who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country, as well as the personnel who continue to protect and serve today.
Memorial Day origins Memorial Day was first known as Decoration Day and was borne out of the Civil War on May 30,1868, General John Logan, a national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, decreed General Order No. 11, which designated the day for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now liein almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land. May 30 was chosen because it wasn’t the anniversary of any
particular battle. It took several years for the first state to recognize the holiday, which New York adopted in 1873. By 1890, all northern states recognized Decoration Day. When the holiday changed from commemorating those who died fighting the Civil War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war after World War I, the South began to recognize it as well.
Honoring the military Although Memorial Day pays homage to the brave people who perished fighting for their country, it also is an opportunity to recognize the military men and women and their families who continue to work to ensure the freedom of Americans. The United States Armed Forces is renowned for its size and strength. Various sources suggest the size of the United States military is somewhere between 1.4 and 1.6 million active service people. The military is comprised of the Army, Army National Guard, Navy, Air Force,Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Each of these military branches
also has its own reserves. There are many ways to honor active, reserve and former veterans, as well as those who died in service of their country. • Help Veterans of Foreign Wars distribute red poppies as a visual reminder of the military’s efforts. • Volunteer at a veterans' hospital or visit a wounded veteran at home. • Offer financial, legal or career expertise through the Corporation for National & Community Service (serve.gov). • Help to maintain the veteran area of a nearby cemetery. Place flags on all of the graves. • Befriend military families who frequently relocate, making a concerted effort to welcome them into your community. • Educate children about past wars and the services the miltary provides. • Visit a military museum or historic site. • Observe the National Moment of Remembrance at 3 pm local time for one minute. • Post a message to the troops at the USO website (uso.org).
Memorial Day specials to air on MSPR
In recognition of Memorial Day 2017, Morehead State Public Radio will broadcast special programming. Among the specials are: Sunday, May 28, 3 p.m. Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame - MSPR will present a program high lighting Kentucky writers. The Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame announced the 2017 Hall of Fame class at an induction ceremony at the Carnegie Center in Lexington. Monday, May 29, 9 a.m. Final Salute - This Music and the Spoken Word Memorial Day special honors those who sacrificed their lives so that we might inherit a legacy of freedom and hope. Music for this program includes A Tribute to the Armed Forces, God Bless the U.S.A. and features guest artist Dallyn Vail Bayles. Monday, May 29, 10 a.m. Front Lines: A Selected Shorts Memorial Day Special - On Memorial Day, honoring soldiers who have given their lives in battle, and remember those who are still serving. On this program, hear four works that look at the experience of war in different ways, from the real-life account of an officer to a futurist’s fantasy. Monday, May 29, 11 a.m. We Are Still Here! The Holocaust Through Music and Memory- The Western Wind, the internationally acclaimed vocal sextet presents We Are Still Here! An exploration of the Holocaust through music and memory. The narration incorporates survivor memories with music that depicts Jewish life in pre-war Europe, and songs that intimately depic the events and horrors of the Holocaust. Monday, May 29, noon. Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame (repeat) - MSPR will present an encore presentation of a program showcasing Kentucky writers. Morehead State Public Radio broadcasts 24- hours a day from the campus of Morehead State University. MSPR serves more than 20 counties in Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia.
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