Christ’s Church of New Beginnings
On Father’s Day June 18, Christ’s Church of New Beginnings celebrated Charter" Membership day. Ten individuals stepped out and pledged their commitment to Christ, God’s Holy Word, and Christ’s Church of New Beginnings.
If you are looking for a congregation that does things according to the commands of God and uses the Bible as the only rule of authority, Christ’s Church of New Beginnings is the place for you. Christ’s Church of New Beginnings uses a blended worship service of traditional hymns and praise songs.
Christ’s Church of New Beginnings is a group of followers of Jesus without any religious ties of denom-inational headquarters. New Beginnings remains simply an undenominational, independent body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We wear the God-given name Christians, [Acts 11:26] and desire to unite all believers in Christ according to Jesus' prayer in John 17. In matters of faith, New Beginnings believes there must be unity, in matters of opinion, liberty and all things love, New Beginnings believes in the God-given plan of salvation as recorded in the Word of God.
• Hearing the Gospel of Christ. [Romans 10:17] • Believing the Gospel of Christ. [Acts 1:21] • Repenting of our sins [Acts 17:30] • Confessing our faith in Christ. [Romans 10:9-10] • Being immersed in Christ for the remission of sins. [Acts 2:38, 22:16] • Remain faithful to Christ. [II Corinthians 5:17]
In obedience to Christ and following the example of the early Church, Christ Church of New Beginnings meets upon the first day of the week for the Lord’s Supper,[Communion], preaching, fellowship, and prayer,[Acts 2:42]. New Beginnings believes in every member being a good steward of the talents God has blessed him or her with. New Beginnings believes in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ as commanded in Matthew 28:19-20.
New Beginnings desires to be a group of believ-ers whom in both word and deeds, exemplify and show forth to the community and the world, the joy of fulfillment that is found in the Lord Jesus Christ, both here and hereafter.
Christ’s Church of New Beginnings currently meets at the CHER Building at 316 West Second Street. Sunday School begins at 10:00 A.M., Morning worship Service at 10:45 A.M., and Evening Worship Service at 6:00 P.M. For more information, contact
Bill Teegarden, Evangelist at