Channel: The Morehead News: Community
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46 Years of “Choice” Carolyn and Mitchell Adams; Luther Adams; Mike and Patsy Adams; Dylan Adams; America Adams; Andy Adkins Family; Brian and Kathy Adkins Family; Monica Adkins;Don and Betty Adkins; Arvetta Adkins; Jack and Janie Adkins; Robbie Alley; Richard Amburgey; Michael and Marie Anderson; Angela Anderson; David and Malinda Andrews Family; Paul Keith Arnett; Toby and Rita Arnold; Andrew Arnold; Frank and Ruby Arthurs; Linda Ayres; Bonnie Bailey; Kristi L. Bailey; Lisa Baker; Jamie Baker; Shirley A. Baldridge; Medford and Jean Baldridge; Dean Ball; Angie Ball; Wanda Bang; Mildred Carol Barker; Ray Barker; Kevin E. Bauer; Kristi Bauer; Kristin Beighle; Jill Biddle; Lee Binion Family; Pastor and Mrs. Kenneth Binion; Carolyn Black Family; Tina Black; Phil and Diane Black; John and Pam Blevins; Stephen Blevins; Kathy Blevins; Logan Blevins; Ken and Kay Blevins; Wayne and Carrie Boggs; Dennis, Cathy, Anna Boggs; Linda Boudreaux; Karen Bowe; Jeremy and Tanisha Bowen; Pam and Bobby Bowman; Tammy Bradley; Allen Bradley; Claude Bradley; Donnie and Denice and Allie Bradley; Bryan and Sandra Brigner; Linda Brown; Donnie Brown; Almeda Brown; Hazel Brown; Jim Brown; Sharon Brush; Doug Buckler; Judy Bueltermann; Bill Bueltermann; Jerry and Jenny Burroughs; Brandon Burton; Janet Butcher; Damon Byrd; Mary Byrd; Jennie Lynn Calhoun; Candy Calvert; Wayne Campbell; Roger and Tamra Cantrell; Jen Carpenter; Gem Carpenter; Don Carpenter; Taunya Carpenter; David and Lou Carter; Richard and Peggy Caskey; Victor Caskey; Richard Caskey; Minnie Caudill; Betty Caudill; Pete and Schiffon Caudill; Sidney Elizabeth Caudill; Venice Chambers; Sandra Jo Clark; Joe and Robyn Cline Family; Kenny and Janice Cockerham Family; Tina Cole; Rex Collins; Harold Collins; Anne Collinsworth; Greg Collinsworth; Brenda Combs; Roge Conley; Mary Ruth Conn; Jean Conn; Dan and Donna Connell; Lonetta Cooper; Travis Cooper; Tom and Peggy Cooper; Eb and Jessica Copher; Pam Cornett; Anne Courtney; Patsy Cox; Brenda Coyle; Allen and Valarie Crain; Debbie Crase; Glen and Gaye Creech; Kevin Crouch Family; Mike Crouch; Rhonda Crouch; Alma Dailey; Dennis Dailey; Brenda Dalton; Zack and Heather Daniel; Ray Davis; Tammy Davis; Theresa Davis; Glen and Lucy Day Family; Sam Dehart; Mattie Dehart; Karen Dehart; Sidney Dehart; Maddy Denning; Timmy Dennis; Dave Dennis; Regina Dennis; Clavis and Edith Dickerson; Michael Dickerson; Randy and Lois Dickerson; Nick and Hannah Diedrichsen; Louis and Samuel Diedrichsen; Linda Dillon; Matt Dillon; Brian and Amanda Dillon; Mary Dowling; Kathleen Dowling; Colson Duff; Everett Duff; Ervin Duncan; Garland and Roberta Early; Judy Easterling; Trella Easterling; Lauryn Eastham; Hazel Edington; Karen Egelston; Paul Egelston; Norman and Francie Elam Family; Jonathan and Heather Eldridge; Joe and Betty Eldridge; Fred Ellington; Vallire Elliott; Matt, Bridget, Teresia Elliott; Benjamin and Allison Fletcher Engelbrecht; James and Kris Engle; Fonda Esham; Nancy Estes; Thomas Evans; Diana Everman; Raymond Fannin; Ida and H B Fannin; Belinda J. Farley; The Ferguson Family; Bobbie Ferguson; Anthony Ferrell; Carolyn Ferrell; Jim Ferrell; Pam Ferrell; Chelsey Ferrell; Tyler Ferrell; Lindsay Ferrell; Carter Ferrell; Janie Fetters; Sharon Fitzpatrick; Adam and Brittney Fitzpatrick; Rev. Michael Flanagan; Dennis and Marietta Flannery; Richard, Wendy, Reagan Fletcher; Mabel Forman; Ann Fraley; Vaughn and Rita Fraley; Joe Gagliano; Jose Garcia; John and Tonia Gibson Family; Charles Gilley; James A. Gilliam; Gregory and Rebecca Gilliam; Rodney and Roberta Gilliam; Rodney and Sandra Gilliam; Rodney Dwayne and Rebecca Gilliam; Allen and Carolyn Gillum; Brian and Lisa Gillum; David Gillum; Debbie Gillum; Frank and Donna Gillum; Sharon Ginter; John Ginter; Sarah Gollihue; Savannah Gollihue; Mary Gordon; Tony and Crystal Griffith; Carl and Linda Griggs Family; Kenny and Justina Hager; Jim and Sheila Hagerman; David and Sheila Hale; Jerri Hale; Dean Hall Family; Chelma and Taylor Hall; Sammy and Wyoma Hall; Jeremy and Rhonda Halstead; Jordan and Catie Halstead; Justin and Marissa Halstead; Baby Halstead; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hardin; Norman and Sandra Harn; Rebecca Hatton; Marzella Hawes; Bob, Helen, and Alison Hays; Jesse and Kelly HcHugh; Irene Hernandez; Laura Hicks; Sarah Hicks; Mary Higgins; Mike Higgins; Larry and Mary Highley; Jordan Highley; Tracy Holder; Mark and Lynn Holland Family; Mar Hood Family; Don and Carole Horton; Bill and Barbara Horton; Stephen and Nicki Howard; Barbara and Rodney Howard; Ethel and Dail Howard; Mark and Jackie Howard; John and Mary Howard; Connie C. Hughes; Emily Hunt; Belinda Hurt; Johnny and Karen Ison; Wilbur and Alice Ison; Cecil and Donna Ison; Ken and Lesli James and Family; Tiffany James; Lincoln Jefferson; Karen Johnson Family; Pack and Faye Johnson; Michele Johnson; Kennedy Johnson; Hunter Johnson; Luke Johnson; Rita Johnson; Thelma Johnson; J.C. and Marcy Jolley; Travis and Angel Jolley; Amos and Clara Jolley; Lodema Jones; Matthew Jones; Jason Jones; Barbara Jones; Jensen Jones; Aariel Jones; Jerry and Michelle Jordan; Bill and Jenny Joseph Family; Harold Justice; Phillip Justice; Becky Justice; Thomas Kara; Georgiann Kautz; Aubry Kautz; Leeann Keeys; Carol Keller; Brian, Sherridan Keltner and Family; Emily and Caleb Klotz; Jodine Lambert; Judy Lambert; Sam and Emma Lawson; Larry Lawson; Mark and Mary Lee; Bill and Trisha Leitz; David Leitz; Evan Leitz; Maura and Adam Leitz; Judy and Steve Leitz; Wendy Leitz; William Leitz; Shirley Leitz-Nesbit; Jessie Lewis Family; Mark and Brenda Lewis Family; Joyce Lewis; Opal Lewis; Adrian and Debbie Lewis; Chick and Dot Lewis; Geneva Lewis; Clayton Lewis; Glenna Lewis; Donna S. Lewis; Pamela J. Lisle; Tracy Little; Isabella Littleton; Gill and Sue Litton; Travis Lockart; James and Greta Logan; Caleb and Rachel Madden; Lindsey Lykins Madden; Shannon and Marsha Maggard; Matthew and Gaye Maggard; Matthew Maltby; Michelle Maltby; Jennifer Maples; Kenny Marshall; Cathy Marshall; Keith Marshall; Katy Martin; Leslie Martin; Elaine Martin; Brent and Karen Maynard; Anthony Mayo; Barbara Mayo; Elizabeth Mayo; Emme Mayo; Madeline Mayo; Anthony and Sheila Mays; Nancye Maze; Alberta and Wilburn Maze; Jeff & Sue Lyn McClain; Tony and Kimberly McClain; Donna McCleese Family; Nancy McCleese; Marty McCleese; Murv and Lucia McClurg Family; Winston and Jeri McClurg Family; Tom and Alicia McClurg Family; Tim and Lou McClurg Family; Becky McCoy; Raymond and Mary McDaniel; Frank and Gladys McDaniel; David and Connie McKenzie; Joe McKenzie; Ginnie McKenzie; Laura McKenzie; Courtney McKenzie; Darren McKinney; PeeGee McMaster; Jace and Rebecca McMillon; Burtis and Jewel Meace; Troy and Suzanne Meadows; Isaac Meadows; Gabrien and Isaiah Meadows; Thom and Betsy Meadows; Evangeline Meadows; Ben and Tyra Meadows; Tremaine Meadows; Janet Meenach; William Melahn MD; Vanessa Menard; Mike Menard; Trey Menard; Zach Menard; Nick Menard; Landon Menard; Tim Metz; Sherman Miller; Wendell Scott Miller; Elizabeth Miller; Hana Miller; Sara Miller; Fr. Arturo Molina; Adam Montgomery; Crystal Montgomery; Debbie Moore; Marie Moore; Jim and Louise Moore; Penny Morehouse; Larry Morrison; Louise Morrison; Chuck Mraz; Joni Mraz; Kathy Mullen; Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Mullen; Glenn Mullins; Jo Murphy; Jace and Saundra Nathanson; John and Rachel Newkirk; Penny Nolen; Taylor and Teresa Norman; Imee Nunnery; Mitch and Rhonda Oney; Vanessa Overholser; Keith Pack; Lynne Pack; Jay Padula; Joe and Sherry Parsons; Jeff Parzell; Lena Patton; Gus & Mary Lou Payne; Drew Pearson; Dixie Peck; Patty Peck; Edna Pennington; Gene Pennington; Edgar and Hildreth Pennington; Linda Sue Pennington; Rose Perkins; Steve and Angie Perry Family; James Perry; Edna Pickrell; David Pickrell; Carolyn Poage; Roger and Rita Porter; Deborah and Doug Prather; Edward and Elsie Preston; Larry and Odella Price; Kent, Kim, Beth, Laura Price; Raymond and Karen Prince; Shelly and Laney Prince; Catie, Lexie, Torie Prince; Sharon Purnell; Sue Randolph; Nannie Ratliff; David Rayburn; Joy Rayburn; Andy and Cheryl Reber Family; Bill and Linda Reed; Danny and Sharon Reynolds; Lynda Reynolds; Aileen Reynolds; Tim Rhodes; Stephanie Rhodes; David Rhodes; Donna Rhodes; Buddy Rhodes; Cindy Rhodes; Michael and Sammye Rice; Roy and Darla Richie; Jeannie Richmond Family; Phillis Riddle; Bill and Catherine Riley; Jane Riley; Thomas, Dolores, Michael Riley; Joseph, Dana, Daniel, Andrew Riley; Cathy and Ron Riley; Mike Roar; Rebecca Roar; Madison Roar; Paisley Roar; LueRhetta Roberson; Jean Roberts; Larry and Carol Robinson and Family; Larry and Lisa Robinson; Carson and Caroline Robinson; Robin Robinson; Kevin and Miranda Roe; Anita Rose; Gary Rowe; Tom Rowland; Randy and Tammy Russell; Steve and Bev Sanders Family; Judy Sexton Family; Joe Shankland; Rex and Janice Shepherd Family; Rick and Miranda Silvey; Billie Simmons; Jamie and Angie Simmons; Mildred and Mike Simpson; Ian Simpson; Lyda Skaggs; Kenny and Lyda Skaggs; Evan Skaggs; Kennith and Pat Skeans; David & April Smith; John and Joyce Smith; Mickey and Barbara Smith; Diana Smoot; Betty Lewis Snyder; Brian and Courtney Sparks; Tiffani and Kyliegh Sparks; Randy Stacy; Brad and Kelsie Stafford; Dennis Stafford; Hannah Stafford; Linda Stafford; Charlie and Brenda Stamm; Vernon and Joyce Stamper Family; Faye Stamper; Marie Staton; James and Brenda Stegall; John Allen Stegall; Gary E. Stephens; Billy and Patty Stephens; Otis Stevens; LynStevens; Leroy and Ruth Ann Stevens; Talmadge and Arlene Stevens; Bush and Dyan Stevenson; Jamie and April Stidham Family; Samantha R. Stidham; Rick Stiltner; Barb Stiltner; Charlotte Stiltner; Ronnie and Penny Stockdale; Iris Stone; Willie Sturgill; Theresa Sturgill; Rylan Sturgill; Shanna Sullivan; Greg and Jenny Sullivan; Amy and Cameron Swartz; Taylor Sword; Larry and Lesley Tackett Family; Andrew Tackett; Jack and Diane Tackett; Robert Taylor; Paige Taylor; Shane Taylor; Jimmy and Juanita Thacker; Melanie Thatcher; Sister Juanell Thiel; Ruford Thomas; Clarke Thomas; Judy Thompson; Patty Toller; Lucille Trent; Wendall and Brenda Trent; Gary and Sally Trent; Ted, Sharon, Zoe Trent; Dianna Trusty; Martha Tufts; Cruz Vale; Irene Van Kersen; Rosita Vibar; Glenna and Timothy Waddell; Timothy Kaden Waddell; Vivian Wagoner; Leslie Wallace; Shirley Wallen; Jimmie and Jeanette Walton; Ann Walton; Don Watson; Jr. and Linda Watson; Paul Q. Webb; Dorothy J. Webb; Richard D. Webb; Jim Webb; Francis Webb; Randall Webb; Rosemary Webb; Pastor David and Judy Webb; Nancy Weigel; Chris Weigel; Zoe Grace Wells; Macy A. Wells; Lauren Wells; Delrita Wells; James Wells; David Wells; Billie Jo Wells; Joe Wells; Sherrie Wells; Allen Wells; Nancy Wells; June Wells; Foy Whitaker; Fred and Hannah White Family; Ralph White; Peggy White; Lonnie and Carol White; Freddy and Dr. Lana White; Mark, Suzi, Daniel White; John and Armeda Whitt; Marilynn Sue Wick; Sue Wiggington; Jay Wiggington; Mary Williams; Helen Williams; Peggy Williams; David and Sandy Wilson Family; Elvona Wilson; Stanley Wilson; Willie Wilson; Marlene Wilson; Patty Wilson; Beverly Winkleman; Tom Woods; Wendy Wright; Tony and Pam Wynn; Paul Yocum; Susan Yocum; David Yocum; Marty and Jessica Young; Will, Kevin, Ana Young In Memory Of: Steve Bridental; Bill & Jean Gray; Jeanie Stafford; Christopher Sammons; Grand children in heaven; Parents-Keener and Ethel Goodman; Bill Tufts; Tom Tufts; Edith Jones Lidster; Lillie Jones; Daisy Fraley; Stanley and Ada Caudill; Wanda Conn In Honor Of: (Dad) Wayne Tipton; My son - John E. Lee; Churches/Organizations Bible Baptist Church; Bethel Baptist Church; Blankenship Christian Holiness Church; Church of Jesus Christ United Baptist; Concord Church; Elliottville Baptist Church; Elliott County Christian Community Center; Flemingsburg First Church of God; Gearheart Community Church; H and H Pawn Owingsville; Hillsboro Christian; House of Prayer, Inc; Hope Enterprise Baptist Church; Jesus Our Saviour Catholic Church; Judah Fellowship; Laurel Gorge Enterprise Baptist Church; Laurel Point Christian Holiness Church; Midland Church of God; Morehead First Apostolic Church; Morehead First Church of God; Morehead United Pentecostal Church; Mt. Zion Baptist Church; Newfoundland Church; New Hope Baptist Church; Polksville Church of God; Salem Baptist Church; Tarr Ridge Church of God; Tarr Ridge Union Church; Vanceburg Christian Baptist Church; Victory Christian Center; Watson Enterprise Baptist Church January 22 1973 Since Roe v. Wade in 1973; more than 60,000,000 With Kentucky’s one remaining abortion clinic, the lives of thousands of babies are ended annually. We pray for an end to abortion! “Forgive me for shedding blood; O God who saves; then I will joyfully sing of your forgiveness.” -Psalm 51:14 Join Our Efforts! If you are a concerned pro-lifer who wants to do more to put an end to abortion, please join us the 2ND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 6:30 P.M. AT THE ROWAN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY. Who is Northeast KY Right to Life? Northeast Kentucky Right to Life, Incorporate in 2009, is an affiliate of Kentucky Right to Life Association (KRLA). Our organization serves as a volunteer, non-profit organization compose of grass roots people of different political persuasions, various faiths and diverse economic, social and ethnic backgrounds. We are dedicated to protecting and fostering the most basic of human values. LIFE ITSELF. Contact us: Northeast KY Right to Life; P.O. Box 117 ; Morehead, KY 40351 ; NEKRTL@gmail.com (606) 784-8672

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